Monday, April 11, 2011

Save the planet?

by Anant Mathur (April 11, 2011)

For several decades now, the media, manufacturers, retailers and governments, have been promoting the 'Save The Planet' campaign and people have been falling for it. I'm all for less waste and keeping our environment clean, but the truth of the matter is it's not the planet that needs saving, it's the humans who live on it. It's highly likely that the planet will be here long after all humans have ceased to exist. The planet was here long before we came along and even if an asteroid the size of the moon hits it, chances are it will still survive in some form, what won't are the humans!

People need to start using common sense, don't recycle because someone or some ad campaign is telling you it's good for the planet, do it because it makes sense - obviously we don't need a 4 inch cell phone in two feet of packaging, that's being wasteful. If you're not using the water, turn the tap off don't keep it running while you go grab something. Can you imagine the amount of ink, harmful chemicals, paper, plastic, etc. and hours of electricity wasted on promotion for save the planet campaigns - that kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it! 

You don't need an 'Earth Hour' to tell you to cut down on electricity, it's simple, if you're not in a room don't leave the lights on. It really irritates me when governments across the globe expect people to stay in the dark for one hour each year to save electricity, yet they don't care how much electricity commercial buildings in any metropolis waste by keeping their lights on 24/7, regardless of whether anyone is working there or not. Shutting the light in those buildings for one minute each day will save more electricity than all the homes in any city will in one hour.

Every few years we're faced with a new end of the world crisis - in 1999, it was the Y2K bug, right now it's the 2012 gimmick - if any of these were true we would have ceased to exist long ago. People's fears are taken advantage of by money mongers who play on this fear and offer useless solutions of some sort. Fearful and gullible people end up spending thousand, and in some cases, millions of dollars on things they won't need - more on that later... 

Most of the life that survived the asteroid which killed the dinosaurs did so by being inside caves, so obviously it doesn't take much - since these life-forms survived mega-tsunamis, meteor showers, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, firestorms, acid rain and nuclear winter. One precaution to take during 2012 would be to stay in a city that's likely to be safe from all disasters, keeping away from coastal areas such as New York, Mumbai, Japan, Australia, Hawaii, Vancouver, etc. during December 2012 might be a good idea.

There's no proof that 2012 will occur or that it will occur on December 21, 2012, it could happen earlier, later or not at all. Yet people are being offered underground silos (in secret mountainous locations) costing millions of dollars - which means only the rich will survive. If cities and power grids are destroyed, even in the silos they will eventually run out of electricity. We won't need millionaires, billionaires and politicians to survive; we'll need farmers, doctors, engineers and scientist, people who can rebuild. If 2012 occurs, we'll need people who can labor 40 hrs at one go without any sleep - somehow I can't imagine Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Anil Ambani doing that.

For decades disasters have been advertised which will destroy humanity, yet we've over come all end of the world prophesies thus far. Mankind is not as weak as others would have you believe, there is infrastructure in place for a reason. Governments wouldn't be planning for 2014, 2015, etc. if we were not going to be around at that time. I'm sure space agencies like NASA, ISRO, CSA and ESA have a better understanding of what will happen than some money monger sitting in his living room writing a book about the coming apocalypse not knowing the latest scientific data.

One rule to always follow is, when you're researching for 2012 and you come across websites which have a paypal account, it's a scam. They're probably sites set up by money mongers to play on your fears. I've always believed that people who truly give you the best advice don't charge you for it. If you have fears about 2012, rest assured chances are, like with the Y2K bug, nothing will happen. But, in the worst case scenario, if something does happen you should be safe as long as you stay away from coastal cities. Based on my own research, I hardly see the need to rush to your closest mountain.

The question that remains is once December 21, 2012 has come and gone what will be the next big end of the world prophecy that pops up... 2043 perhaps?

© Anant Mathur. All Rights Reserved

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